Ways to Help
The PTA wouldn't exist without your support.
The P in PTA stands for parent, which means you! Getting involved is critical to the success of our efforts. There are many rewarding ways to get involved - as a class rep, as an event coordinator or volunteer, or simply attending events and signing up for EasyFundraising / Amazon Smile. All contributions, both time and financial, whether large or small, are gratefully received and will go a long way to improve the school environment.

Volunteer - Class Reps / Event Helpers
Each class at Belleville Primary should have one or more Class Reps who will liaise between the class and the PTA. The role is critical to developing community by facilitating communication, recruiting volunteers for events and generally supporting their class and the PTA. It's fun and rewarding as class reps also organise class social events and coordinate teacher and staff gifts.
The PTA is always looking for volunteers to help us with our events or suggest new activities. We require all events to have a team of volunteers. Volunteers are fully supported by the PTA team who give all the background information, assist with format, communications and sponsorship. Events sadly won't happen if we don't have volunteers so grab some friends and come help out even if you can only commit to a small amount of time - everyone is welcome and it's lots of fun! Keep up to date via Classlist on upcoming event needs and contact us to get involved.

Online Shopping Donation Schemes
Every time you shop with online retailers a percentage of your purchase can go to the PTA.
You can use Stikins ® Labels as school labels, clothes labels, phone, shoe labels & name tags for all kids' belongings. When you order, please add 1683 as fundraising number. Belleville Primary School earns 30% on each purchase using code 1683.
It's easy to order - you can do so by navigating to their website: https://www.stikins.co.uk/
If you shop with M&S, John Lewis, Sainsbury's, Booking.com, ASOS or any other online retailer click here and sign up to Easyfundraising. It's quick and simple!

Direct Donations
​The Belleville School PTA is now Gift Aid registered, which allows us to maximise your donations by claiming an extra 25p for every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you.
For smaller credit card donations, go to our PTA Shop. For larger donations, bank transfer is preferable. Click here to go to the PTA donation page. Thank you!

Match Funding
Did you know that many large companies support their employees charitable endeavours by matching their donations? Organisations may match fund in a variety of ways, the most common being: time donated by their staff for voluntary work, a direct donation made to our PTA, the matching of funds raised from a sponsored event, the matching of funds raised through a specific activity e.g. your class cake stall. Ask your employer if they operate a matched funding scheme.
Feel free to email us with any questions.